
I’ve been away from the blogging game for a decent amount of time, but I’m back to ask all of you guys for a favor! Besides writing a blog, unsuccessfully, I also love to act and write scripts. Well, here’s a short film that me and a director friend of mine were able to make. It’s actually pretty good! (I was pretty shocked) And I’d appreciate it if you could go and check it out and maybe even vote on it. Winner of the competition gets a thousand dollars!

Thank you all so much! I’ve missed coming on here and writing, maybe sometime soon I’ll come back and start posting regularly again. Fingers crossed!


Dylan Wood

P.S. Hope you have a terrific day!

A letter to my Mom.

Dear Mom,

I know it hasn’t always been easy to have me as your kid, and I guess now I just want you to know how grateful I am to you for everything that you’ve done for me. Thank you for every time that you used to stay up with me as a kid when I had a stomach ache and for talking to me about all the things that I was scared of and telling me that everything was going to be ok. Thank you for encouraging me, even when I felt like I was nothing. Thank you for showing me how I should treat the people around me. Thank you for teaching me to use a napkin, not an easy task, I know! Thank you for joking around with me and laughing with me in the good times and crying with me in the bad times. Thank you for “lecturing” me when I was wrong and setting me straight. Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to talk to me about some of the things that must have been very boring to you, but meant everything to me at the time. Thank you for cooking, cleaning, shopping, doing laundry and all the other things that you do, that I just now realized I’ve never thanked you for doing before now. I know it’s not easy to do everything that you do for me every day and so much of it is difficult and boring, but you do all of this because you love me. And I guess what I’m really trying to say is thank you for loving me even when I swore that I didn’t love you back. I’m also here to say that I love you Mom. I love you for everything that you’ve done for me, and I also love you for being the special person that you are. So for the last time in this letter, I want to just say thank you for everything.

Now I want to apologize for all the times that I ignored you because I wanted to be “cool”. I want to apologize for not appreciating you and wanting you to leave me alone. I want to apologize for every time that I was rude to you and blew you off.  I’m pretty sure I don’t deserve a mom as great as you, but God gave me one anyway, and for that I thank Him every day!


Your grateful son.

Our greatest gl…

Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

I don’t think this is something that many of us believe. It’s something that for most of my life I haven’t believed, but recently I’m starting to see how true it is. Some of the greatest men in life failed the most amount of times, Abraham Lincoln, Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, Beethoven, Walt Disney. These men all had great failures in their lives, but after these men failed I can bet you that they didn’t mope and complain and give up. They continued on through the failure and became some of the most successful men ever. There’s a quote that gets passed around a lot in the acting community that I’ve recently taken to heart  “every failure is one step closer to success”. This to me is the best way to look at failure. You don’t have to be happy with the failure and as a matter of fact I’m never happy with failure, I absolutely hate failing at anything I do and I think we all do. But I’ve come to realize that it’s a necessary part of growing in whatever I’m doing. I’m going to fail and when it happens I have two choices, continue on through the failure and get better and hope to succeed or I can give up. The choice is always up to us. I’m going to leave you with one more quote, can you tell that I’m addicted to quotes?

“Failure is success if we learn from it.” – Malcolm Forbes

My micro-fiction story, Home.

This is a story that I tried getting published by 100 word story, but they didn’t take it so I decided to put it on here. Hope you like it!

The rain falls around me as I wait for the bus to come. I’ve reminded myself again and again that this is what’s best for me, but how can I leave when everything in me is screaming for me to stay? To fight for what I’ve built here.  All my memories haunt me. I remember meeting the love of my life here and now I’m leaving her.  Leaving her and everyone that I know and love behind, all for a job in New York. I look down at my briefcase in disgust and drop it as I run home.


Thank you for your time and I hope you enjoyed my story!

Starting something new

I’ve had a lot of trouble starting my blog. For some reason I’ve been very scared to start writing in it and there are two terrible, stupid reasons for it. The first is, I’m not sure if anybody will like what I have to say, and in turn not like me and leave a hateful comment basically saying that I’m worthless as a person which would then send me on a spiral into depression where all of my confidence in myself will be gone and because of this simple blog post my entire life will basically be over. Even while these thoughts were going through my head, I knew how ridiculous they were, and even if I do get a few hate comments why should that stop me? Because yeah there may be quite a few people that hate what I have to say, but there will probably be more who, at the very least, are tolerant of what I’m saying and there might even be a few people who, dare I say it, actually like and agree with what I have to say. I know, what a revelation, right? Plus I started thinking who even cares if anybody else likes it? If I like it then that’s really all that should matter, right? The other reason why I was scared, and the more likely out of the two to actually happen, is that nobody would even read anything that I wrote here and that I would just be wasting my time. This is something that I’ve struggled with quite a lot recently. But why should it even matter if anybody reads this? To me the point of creating anything whether it be a blog post, a novel, a dance or a song is not to become famous or popular. Songs, dances, novels, etc. should be created for the sheer joy of creating something new. Something that you feel needs to be out in the world, and whether your novel becomes the next Harry Potter or an E-book that only your mother reads that shouldn’t make any difference. Well ok there’s one difference and that’s how much money you make from it. But the feelings of accomplishment and creativity should be the same. You should be proud that you were able to create something that nobody else would even have a chance of creating. In other words if you become famous and rich off your creative endeavors than that’s amazing! But if you don’t and nobody but you and a handful of others ever see what you’ve created that’s great too! The joy of creating new things that you can be proud of is honestly all that should ever matter! I know it’s not that easy to actually think like this. We live in a society that really seems to put a lot of emphasize on how something turns out. Not many people in todays society care about the joys of creating or are even happy for you that your creating something new. They want to see the end result. They want to see if your going to become a world-class dancer, a bestselling novelist, a blockbuster actor, or even a famous blogger (That has got to be the stupidest sounding word ever. Say it really slow and you can see what I mean) and until then they’ll probably criticize you and say that you don’t make any sense, that you’re weird, that you’re stupid, and that you’re wasting your time. Trust me I’ve heard most of them and at times they’ve knocked me down and made me stop and almost give up creating at all. But I haven’t and I don’t intend to and even if it takes me awhile to get over my own fears of going into the unknown I’m not going to let them or even myself stop me from creating and you shouldn’t either! Now I’ve gone over some of my struggles to start something new so now, if anybody actually reads this, I’d like to hear about some times when you’ve had trouble starting something new that you were scared of and how you found a way to get over that fear.

Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.
Francis of Assisi